Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Culvert St Series 10

Today is seasonally cold and gray,  characterized by snowfall.  We had a snow storm during the night which left a few inches of snow on the ground.  School openings were delayed a few hours and I have been, too.  Having so much more time before going to work,  I busied myself with some household tasks which led me into my studio.  I opened the curtain to look out and instantly decided to do this painting instead of whatever else it was I’d been doing.

Including, going to work.  I'm now late....

I drew the lines with a gray watercolor pencil.  I’d decided to try this on my next painting and today was the day.  I like the results.  I don’t mind whatever line remains and whatever doesn’t show, was dissolved and has blended in with the applications of paint.

I think I'll use these pencils more often.

When I started this painting I’d planned on using GGBlack only, but as it progressed, I felt I wanted more color so I used Yellow Ochre with the black to get the desired amount of tone/saturation.  When I finished the painting, I felt it needed a few thin washes of Prussian Blue (PB) here and there – in shadow areas, mostly.  I also used a thin wash of CY on the nearest snow-covered roof top and finished off with a darkish area in the sky using PB and GBB.  I’ve decided to be ‘done’ with this painting.  It tells me enough about today.  

I think I haven't gotten around to posting a few of my Culvert St series.  I'll get on that asap -- gotta run!

1 comment:

  1. You are very fortunate to be such a good artist. Your art is wonderful. I tried painting a few years back. lol What a mess that was. I look forward to seeing more of your series.
